function ww(unitTable) return ScenEdit_GetUnit(unitTable) end function W_GetUnitProps(unitName) if unitName == nil then print("You did not pass a unit name in") end local u if (type(unitName)) == 'table' then u = ScenEdit_GetUnit(unitName) else u = ScenEdit_GetUnit({name=unitName}) end local tables = {} for k,v in pairs(u.fields) do local t = string.find(v," , ") local t2 = (string.sub(v,2,t-1)) if type(u[t2]) ~= 'table' and type(u[t2]) ~= 'userdata' then print(t2..': '..tostring(u[t2])) elseif type(u[t2]) == 'table' then table.insert(tables, t2) elseif type(u[t2]) == 'userdata' then print('Possible Function: '..t2..': '..tostring(u[t2])) end --end check type end -- end main pairs loop print('===== Table Data =================================================') for k,v in pairs(tables) do print('===== '..v..' Table Data =========================================') print(v..': ') for k,v in pairs(u[v]) do print(k) print(v) end --inner table print('---- End '..v..' Table Data --------------------------------------') print('-----------------------------------------------------------------------') end --end tables loop end --function -- either way should work: --GetUnitProperties({name='F-14D Tomcat', guid='78407e18-3841-4f63-bcc2-df202cc3dc3c'}) --GetUnitProperties('F-14D Tomcat') function W_GetSideProps(side) local u = VP_GetSide({side=side}) local tables = {} for k,v in pairs(u.fields) do local t = string.find(v," , ") -- location of first comma - v example:'.fuel , table, false' just need the key part - fuel local t2=(string.sub(v,2,t-1)) --t finds the location of the first comma - 6, and then gets characters 2-5 which should equal fuel if type(u[t2]) ~= 'table' and type(u[t2]) ~= 'userdata' then --check if it is not a table print(t2..': '.. tostring(u[t2])) --need tostring for booleans for some reason elseif type(u[t2]) == 'userdata' then print('Possible Function: '..t2..': '..tostring(u[t2])) elseif type(u[t2]) == 'table' then table.insert(tables, t2) -- do tables later to make it easier to read end --end first try - strings, numbers, nils and booleans end print('-----------------------------------------------------------------------') print('------------- Table Data ----------------------------------------------') print('-----------------------------------------------------------------------') for k,v in pairs(tables) do --display table info print('===== '..v..' Table Data =========================================') for k,v in pairs(u[v]) do print(k) print(v) end --item table loop print('---- End '..v..' Table Data --------------------------------') print('-----------------------------------------------------------------------') end --tables loop print('-----end---------') end function W_GetSideUnitTotals(side) local a = VP_GetSide({Side =side}) -- put your side name here print("===== Total Number of Units for "..side.." side: "..#a.units.." =========================================") local Ships, AC, Subs, Facilities = 0,0,0,0 --create empty array(table) to store group guids for i = 1, #a.units do -- loops thru all units on the side local u = ScenEdit_GetUnit({guid = a.units[i].guid}) --convert VP guid to Unit wrapper if u.type == 'Ship' then -- check if group, if so add the group guid to the table if tonumber(u.subtype) < 9003 then --only count if subtype is not a buoy,platform sonar array etc Ships=Ships+1 end elseif u.type == 'Aircraft' then -- check if group, if so add the group guid to the table AC=AC+1 elseif u.type == 'Submarine' then -- check if group, if so add the group guid to the table Subs=Subs+1 elseif u.type == 'Facility' then -- check if group, if so add the group guid to the table Facilities=Facilities+1 end end print("Ships: "..Ships..", Aircraft: "..AC..", Submarines: "..Subs..", Facilities: "..Facilities) print('Please note that this function may use a lot of memory if there are a lot of units, you may need to restart soon.') print('==================================================================================================================') return AC, Ships, Subs end -- function end function W_GetSideUnitTotalsTable(side) --returns 4 tables for subs, ships, ac and facilities - memory hog local a = VP_GetSide({Side =side}) -- put your side name here print("===== Total Number of Units for "..side.." side: "..#a.units.." ===== this function also returns a table of guids for each type for AC/Ships/Subs (in that order) ==========") print("===== if you don't need the tables of guids use W_GetSideUnitTotals(side) instead as it just returns the totals, less memory intensive ==================================") local Ships = {} --create empty array(table) to store group guids local AC = {} local Subs = {} local Facilities = {} for i = 1, #a.units do -- loops thru all units on the side local u = ScenEdit_GetUnit({guid = a.units[i].guid}) --convert VP guid to Unit wrapper if u.type == 'Ship' and u.subtype ~='9004' then -- check if ship and not buoy, if so add to the table table.insert(Ships, u.guid) elseif u.type == 'Aircraft' then -- check if AC, if so to the table table.insert(AC, u.guid) elseif u.type == 'Submarine' then -- check if sub, if so add table.insert(Subs, u.guid) elseif u.type == 'Facility' then -- check if sub, if so add table.insert(Facilities, u.guid) end end print("Ships: "..#Ships..", Aircraft: "..#AC..", Submarines: "..#Subs..", Facilities: "..#Facilities) print('Please note that this function may use a lot of memory if there are a lot of units, you may need to restart soon.') print('==================================================================================================================') return AC,Ships,Subs,Facilities end -- function end function W_GetTableCount(tab) local count = 0 for k,v in ipairs(tab) do count = count + 1 end return count end function W_ApplyToTableItems(tab, func) for i, v in ipairs(tab) do func(v) end end function W_DrawRPCircle(sidename, location, radius, numpts, nameprefix, firstindex) if numpts == nil then numpts = 12 end local nonumber = false if firstindex == nil then nonumber = true firstindex = 0 end if nameprefix == nil then if nonumber then nameprefix = "C" else nameprefix = "" end end local clat, clon = location.latitude, location.longitude local r = radius / 60 local lastindex = firstindex + numpts - 1 local th, rlat, rlon, rp local rpname = nameprefix local area = {} for i = firstindex, lastindex do th = 2 * math.pi * i / numpts rlat = clat + r * math.cos(th) rlon = clon + r * math.sin(th) / math.cos(math.rad(clat)) if nonumber == false then rpname = nameprefix .. i end rp = ScenEdit_AddReferencePoint({ side = sidename, lat = rlat, lon = rlon, name = rpname, highlighted = true}) table.insert(area, rp) end end function W_DrawRPCircleAroundUnit(sidename, unit_name, radius, numpts, nameprefix, firstindex) local unit = ScenEdit_GetUnit({side=sidename, name=unit_name}) return W_DrawRPCircle(sidename, {latitude=unit.latitude, longitude=unit.longitude}, radius, numpts, nameprefix, firstindex) end function W_DeleteReferencePointsByPrefix(sidename, prefix, firstindex, lastindex) for i = firstindex, lastindex do ScenEdit_DeleteReferencePoint({ side=sidename, name=prefix .. i}) end end function W_AssignUnitsToMission(nameprefix, startcount, endcount, missionname) for i = startcount, endcount do ScenEdit_AssignUnitToMission(nameprefix .. i, missionname) end end function W_ChangeLoadout(nameprefix, startcount, endcount,loadout,readytime) for i = startcount, endcount do print(nameprefix .. i) ScenEdit_SetLoadout({UnitName=nameprefix .. i, LoadoutID=loadout, TimeToReady_Minutes = readytime}) end end -- Set mission to start n minutes from current game time "now" function W_SetMissionStartTime(sideName,missionName,minutesFromNow) local currentTime = ScenEdit_CurrentTime() local currentMission = ScenEdit_GetMission(sideName,missionName) currentTime = currentTime + 5 * 60 * 60 + minutesFromNow * 60 currentMission.isactive = false currentMission.starttime ="%m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p", currentTime) end -- Set a mission active by side,name. function W_ActivateMission(sideName,missionName) local currentMission = ScenEdit_GetMission(sideName,missionName) currentMission.isactive = true end -- Set mission inactive by side,name. function W_DeactivateMission(sideName,missionName) local currentMission = ScenEdit_GetMission(sideName,missionName) currentMission.isactive = false end function W_RefuelUnitIfLow(side, name, minfuel, fueltype) if fueltype == nil then fueltype = 2001 end local u = ScenEdit_GetUnit({side=side, name=name}) local newfuel = u.fuel if newfuel[fueltype].current < minfuel then newfuel[fueltype].current = newfuel[fueltype].max u.fuel = newfuel end end function W_PathOffset() --provides tiny offset to lat/lon local offset = math.random(300,699) print('offset before manipulation: '..offset) offset = (offset- 500)/20000 print('offset after (subtract 500, divide by 20000: '..offset) return offset end --end function function W_EscapeFromPort(unitx,newCourse) local u = ScenEdit_GetUnit({guid = unitx.guid}) if u.condition == 'Returning to base' then print( ' is returning to base') else print( ' is leaving port, assigning new course') print('waypoints: '..#newCourse) for i = 1, #newCourse do --print(newCourse[i].longitude) newCourse[i].latitude = newCourse[i].latitude + W_PathOffset() newCourse[i].longitude = newCourse[i].longitude + W_PathOffset() end --end table loop u.course = newCourse ScenEdit_SetDoctrine({side=unitx.side,}, {ignore_plotted_course= "no" }) end --end condition check end --end function function W_ConfirmSpecialAction(actionDescription) local choice = ScenEdit_MsgBox('Are you sure you want to execute the special action: \n \n'..actionDescription, 4) if choice == 'Yes' then return true else --ScenEdit_MsgBox('Event Cancelled') return false end end function W_OverWater (latitude, longitude) local pointElevation = World_GetElevation({ latitude = latitude, longitude = longitude}) if pointElevation < 0 then return true else return false end end function W_RandomLetter() local alphabet = {'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','v','w','x','y','z'} return string.upper(alphabet[math.random(1,#alphabet)]) end function W_GetCourse(side,unitName) local u = ScenEdit_GetUnit({side=side, name=unitName}) print(u.course) return u.course end --end function function W_UnitAltitudeAboveGround(side, unitguid) --should only be used on AC, returns value in meters local u = SE_GetUnit({side=side, guid=unitguid}) local worldAltitude = World_GetElevation({latitude = u.latitude, longitude= u.longitude}) if worldAltitude < 0 then worldAltitude = 0 end return math.floor(u.altitude - worldAltitude) end function W_SetGroupAutodetectable(side,groupName, trueOrFalse, onlyUnitsWithName) local u = ScenEdit_GetUnit({name=groupName, side=side}) unitsToChange = for i = 1, #unitsToChange do local uu = SE_GetUnit({guid=unitsToChange[i]}) if onlyUnitsWithName == nil or string.match(, onlyUnitsWithName) then uu.autodetectable = trueOrFalse print(' is it autodetectable? '..tostring(uu.autodetectable)) else print(' is it autodetectable? '..tostring(uu.autodetectable)) end --if name used end --loop end --function end function W_SetGroupSide(oldSide, groupName, newSide) local u = ScenEdit_GetUnit({side=oldSide, name=groupName}) unitsToChange = for i = 1, #unitsToChange do local uu = SE_GetUnit({guid=unitsToChange[i]}) ScenEdit_SetUnitSide({side=oldSide, Name=unitsToChange[i], newside=newSide}) = groupName end --loop end --function end function W_CreateAirBase(basename,side,latlonTable, runways, taxiways, accesspoints, tarmacspaces, hangars, ammopads,detectable,DB3000orCWDB) local lat=latlonTable['latitude'] local lon=latlonTable['longitude'] if DB3000orCWDB == 'DB3000' then --for DB3000 for i=1,runways do local u = ScenEdit_AddUnit({side=side, type='Facility', name=basename..' Runway '..i, dbid=55, autodetectable=detectable, Lat=lat, Lon=lon}) =basename lat=lat +.004 end --runways lat=latlonTable['latitude'] --reset lat and add to lon lon=latlonTable['longitude'] + .002 for i=1,taxiways do local u = ScenEdit_AddUnit({side=side, type='Facility', name=basename..' Taxiway '..i, dbid=1424, autodetectable=detectable, Lat=lat, Lon=lon}) =basename lat=lat +.004 end lat=latlonTable['latitude'] --reset lat and add to lon lon=latlonTable['longitude'] + .004 for i=1,accesspoints do local u = ScenEdit_AddUnit({side=side, type='Facility', name=basename..' Access Point '..i, dbid=353, autodetectable=detectable, Lat=lat, Lon=lon}) =basename lat=lat +.002 end lat=latlonTable['latitude'] --reset lat and add to lon lon=latlonTable['longitude'] + .006 for i=1,tarmacspaces do local u = ScenEdit_AddUnit({side=side, type='Facility', name=basename..' Tarmac Space '..i, dbid=344, autodetectable=detectable, Lat=lat, Lon=lon}) =basename lat=lat +.002 end lat=latlonTable['latitude'] --reset lat and add to lon lon=latlonTable['longitude'] + .008 for i=1,ammopads do local u = ScenEdit_AddUnit({side=side, type='Facility', name=basename..' Ammo Pad '..i, dbid=1496, autodetectable=detectable, Lat=lat, Lon=lon}) =basename lat=lat +.002 end lon=latlonTable['longitude'] - .002 for i=1,hangars do local u = ScenEdit_AddUnit({side=side, type='Facility', name=basename..' Hangar '..i, dbid=9, autodetectable=detectable, Lat=lat, Lon=lon}) =basename lat=lat -.002 end elseif DB3000orCWDB == 'CWDB' then for i=1,runways do local u = ScenEdit_AddUnit({side=side, type='Facility', name=basename..' Runway '..i, dbid=309, autodetectable=detectable, Lat=lat, Lon=lon}) =basename lat=lat +.004 end --runways lat=latlonTable['latitude'] --reset lat and add to lon lon=latlonTable['longitude'] + .002 for i=1,taxiways do local u = ScenEdit_AddUnit({side=side, type='Facility', name=basename..' Taxiway '..i, dbid=413, autodetectable=detectable, Lat=lat, Lon=lon}) =basename lat=lat +.004 end lat=latlonTable['latitude'] --reset lat and add to lon lon=latlonTable['longitude'] + .004 for i=1,accesspoints do local u = ScenEdit_AddUnit({side=side, type='Facility', name=basename..' Access Point '..i, dbid=451, autodetectable=detectable, Lat=lat, Lon=lon}) =basename lat=lat +.002 end lat=latlonTable['latitude'] --reset lat and add to lon lon=latlonTable['longitude'] + .006 for i=1,tarmacspaces do local u = ScenEdit_AddUnit({side=side, type='Facility', name=basename..' Tarmac Space '..i, dbid=443, autodetectable=detectable, Lat=lat, Lon=lon}) =basename lat=lat +.002 end lat=latlonTable['latitude'] --reset lat and add to lon lon=latlonTable['longitude'] + .008 for i=1,ammopads do local u = ScenEdit_AddUnit({side=side, type='Facility', name=basename..' Ammo Pad '..i, dbid=48, autodetectable=detectable, Lat=lat, Lon=lon}) =basename lat=lat +.002 end lon=latlonTable['longitude'] - .002 for i=1,hangars do local u = ScenEdit_AddUnit({side=side, type='Facility', name=basename..' Hangar '..i, dbid=438, autodetectable=detectable, Lat=lat, Lon=lon}) =basename lat=lat -.002 end else ScenEdit_MsgBox ('You did not specify the DB type - the last parameter should be either DB3000 or CWDB',1) end --DB3000-orCWDB check end --function end function W_ProficiencyIncrement(proficiency,increment) if proficiency == 'Ace' then proficiency=4 elseif proficiency == 'Veteran' then proficiency=3 elseif proficiency =='Regular' then proficiency=2 elseif proficiency =='Cadet' then proficiency=1 elseif proficiency == 'Novice' then proficiency=0 end --ifs if increment == nil then increment =1 end --if increment not set use 1 local new = proficiency + increment print(new) if new >4 then new =4 end if new <0 then new = 0 end return new end --function